The Abyssinian is a natural breed originating from an unspecified location, but somewhere in Afro-Asia, likely Ethiopia. It has a semi-foreign body type with a short coat showing a ticked tabby pattern.
Explore our comprehensive Cat Breed Library featuring 101 unique breeds from 53 different countries. Find your perfect cat - whether you're looking for a cuddly, independent, outgoing, or vocal companion.
Explore Cat BreedsThe Abyssinian is a natural breed originating from an unspecified location, but somewhere in Afro-Asia, likely Ethiopia. It has a semi-foreign body type with a short coat showing a ticked tabby pattern.
The Aegean is a natural breed originating from Greece. It has a moderate body type with a semi-long coat showing a multi-color pattern.
The American Bobtail is a mutation of shortened tail breed originating from United States. It has a cobby body type with a semi-long coat showing a all pattern.
The American Curl is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a semi-foreign body type with a semi-long coat showing a all pattern.
The American Ringtail is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a foreign body type with a semi-long coat showing a all pattern.
The American Shorthair is a natural breed originating from United States. It has a cobby body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The American Wirehair is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a normal body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Aphrodite Giant is a natural breed originating from Cyprus. It has a lean and muscular body type with a all coat showing a all pattern.
The Arabian Mau is a natural breed originating from Arabian Peninsula. It has a moderate and muscular body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Asian is a crossbreed between the burmese and chinchilla persians breed originating from United Kingdom. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a all without white and without siamese pointing pattern.
The Asian Semi-longhair is a crossbreed between the burmese and chinchilla persians breed originating from United Kingdom. It has a moderate body type with a semi-long coat showing a all without white and without siamese pointing pattern.
The Australian Mist is a crossbreed between the abyssinian, burmese, and australian short-haired cats[13] breed originating from Australia. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a spotted or marbled pattern.
The Balinese is a mutation of the siamese breed originating from Developed in United States;foundation stock from Thailand. It has a semi-foreign body type with a long coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Bambino is a crossbreed between the munchkin and sphynx[13] breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a short coat showing a black + white hairless pattern.
The Bengal is a hybrid of the abyssinian and egyptian mau × leopard cat (prionailurus bengalensis) breed originating from Developed in United States,but created in Asia. It has a large body type with a short coat showing a spotted, marbled, or rosetted pattern.
The Birman is a the original birman was crossed with the siamese and the persian to create the birman of today. breed originating from Developed in France;foundation stock from Burma (Myanmar). It has a cobby body type with a semi-long coat showing a mitted colorpoint pattern.
The Bombay is a crossbreed between the black american shorthair and sable burmese breed originating from United States and Burma (Myanmar). It has a cobby body type with a short coat showing a solid black pattern.
The Brazilian Shorthair is a natural breed originating from Brazil. It has a normal body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The British Longhair is a natural breed originating from United Kingdom (England). It has a cobby body type with a semi-long coat showing a all pattern.
The British Shorthair is a natural breed originating from United Kingdom (England). It has a cobby body type with a short coat showing a all[14] pattern.
The Burmese is a natural breed originating from Burma (Myanmar). It has a semi-foreign or semi-cobby body type with a short coat showing a solid and tortoiseshell[15] pattern.
The Burmilla is a crossbreed between the burmese and the chinchilla persian breed originating from United Kingdom (England). It has a semi-cobby body type with a short coat showing a solid with shaded silver and silver tipped patterns pattern.
The California Spangled is a crossbreed between the abyssinian, american shorthair and british shorthair breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The Chantilly-Tiffany is a natural breed originating from United States. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a solid, classic tabby, spotted tabby and ticked tabby pattern.
The Chartreux is a natural breed originating from France. It has a muscular; cobby body type with a short coat showing a varying shades of blue pattern.
The Chausie is a hybrid of the abyssinian × jungle cat (felis chaus) breed originating from United States. It has a normal body type with a short coat showing a solid black, black grizzled tabby and black ticked tabby pattern.
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a crossbreed between the abyssinian, siamese and short-haired cats breed originating from United Kingdom (England). It has a foreign body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Cornish Rex is a mutation breed originating from Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. It has a foreign body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Cymric is a mutation of the manx (shortened tail) breed originating from Isle of Man, United States, and Canada [b]. It has a semi-cobby body type with a long coat showing a all pattern.
The Cyprus is a natural breed originating from Cyprus. It has a lean and muscular body type with a all coat showing a all pattern.
The Devon Rex is a mutation breed originating from Buckfastleigh, Devon, England, United Kingdom. It has a semi-foreign body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Donskoy is a mutation breed originating from Russia. It has a semi-foreign body type with a hairless coat showing a solid pattern.
The Dragon Li is a natural breed originating from China. It has a normal body type with a short coat showing a ticked tabby pattern.
The Dwelf is a crossbreed between the american curl, munchkin and sphynx breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a hairless coat showing a all pattern.
The Egyptian Mau is a natural breed originating from Egypt. It has a moderate and muscular body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The European Shorthair is a natural breed originating from Continental Europe. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Exotic Shorthair is a crossbreed between the american shorthair and persian breed originating from United States. It has a cobby body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Foldex is a crossbreed between the exotic shorthair and scottish fold breed originating from Canada. It has a cobby body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The German Rex is a mutation breed originating from Germany. It has a semi-foreign body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Havana Brown is a crossbreed between the siamese and black short-haired cats breed originating from United Kingdom (England);foundation stock from Thailand. It has a semi-foreign body type with a short coat showing a solid brown pattern.
The Highlander is a crossbreed between the desert lynx and jungle curl breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Himalayan is a crossbreed between the persian and siamese breed originating from United States and United Kingdom. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Japanese Bobtail is a mutation of shortened tail breed originating from Japan[d]. It has a moderate body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Javanese is a crossbreed between the balinese (with some colorpoint shorthair), oriental longhair and siamese breed originating from Developed in United States and Canada;foundation stock from Southeast Asia. It has a oriental body type with a long coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Kanaani is a hybrid of short-haired cats × african wildcat (felis lybica) breed originating from Israel. It has a semi-foreign body type with a short coat showing a solid black, chocolate spotted tabby or cinnamon spotted tabby pattern.
The Khao Manee is a natural breed originating from Thailand. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a solid white pattern.
The Kinkalow is a crossbreed between the munchkin and american curl breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Korat is a natural breed originating from Thailand. It has a semi-foreign or semi-cobby and muscular body type with a short coat showing a solid blue pattern.
The Korean Bobtail is a natural, mutation of shortened tail breed originating from Korea. It has a moderate body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Korn Ja is a natural breed originating from Thailand. It has a small body type with a short coat showing a solid black pattern.
The Kurilian Bobtail is a natural, mutation of shortened tail breed originating from Kuril Islands, North Pacific. It has a semi-cobby body type with a short/long[13] coat showing a all pattern.
The Lambkin is a crossbreed between the munchkin and selkirk rex breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The LaPerm is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Lykoi is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a sparse haired coat showing a black roan pattern.
The Maine Coon is a natural, crossbreed breed originating from United States. It has a large body type with a semi-long/long coat showing a all excluding chocolate and colourpoint pattern.
The Manx is a mutation of shortened tail breed originating from Isle of Man. It has a moderate body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Mekong Bobtail is a mutation of shortened tail breed originating from Developed in Russia;foundation stock ultimately from Southeast Asia. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Minskin is a crossbreed between the munchkin, burmese, devon rex, and sphynx breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a hairless coat showing a all pattern.
The Minuet is a crossbreed between the persian and munchkin breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Munchkin is a mutation of dwarf cat breed originating from United States. It has a dwarf body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Nebelung is a natural, mutation breed originating from United States. It has a foreign body type with a semi-long coat showing a solid blue pattern.
The Neva Masquerade is a crossbreed between the siberian and a colorpoint cat[22] breed originating from Russia. It has a cobby[13] body type with a long[13] coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Norwegian Forest cat is a natural breed originating from Norway. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a chocolate or orange and white bicolor pattern.
The Ocicat is a crossbreed between the abyssinian, american shorthair and siamese breed originating from United States. It has a large body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The Ojos Azules is a crossbreed breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Oriental Bicolor is a color variety of the oriental shorthair breed originating from Developed in United States and United Kingdom, later in Continental Europe;foundation stock ultimately from Thailand. It has a oriental body type with a short coat showing a bicolor pattern.
The Oriental Longhair is a crossbreed between the oriental shorthair and long-haired cats breed originating from Developed in United States and United Kingdom;foundation stock ultimately from Thailand. It has a oriental body type with a semi-long coat showing a all; if colorpoint is considered to be a separate breed, it is called the javanese pattern.
The Oriental Shorthair is a crossbreed between the european shorthair and siamese breed originating from Developed in United States and United Kingdom;foundation stock ultimately from Thailand. It has a oriental body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Persian (modern) is a mutation of the traditional persian breed originating from Developed in United States and Europe;foundation stock from Greater Iran. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a all but colorpoint pattern.
The Persian (traditional) is a natural, but some crossbreeding with the turkish angora breed originating from Greater Iran. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a all but colorpoint pattern.
The Peterbald is a mutation breed originating from Russia. It has a oriental body type with a hairless coat showing a all pattern.
The Pixie-bob is a natural breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The Ragamuffin is a crossbreed between the ragdoll and various long-haired breeds breed originating from United States. It has a large body type with a semi-long/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Ragdoll is a crossbreed between the angora-type cats, birman, and persian breed originating from United States. It has a large body type with a semi-long/long coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Raas is a natural breed originating from Raas Island, Indonesia. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a solid blue, solid cinnamon, or cinnamon colorpoint pattern.
The Russian Blue is a natural breed originating from Russia. It has a foreign body type with a short coat showing a solid blue pattern.
The Russian White, Black and Tabby is a color variety of the russian blue breed originating from Australia. It has a foreign body type with a short coat showing a solid white, solid black and tabby pattern.
The Sam Sawet is a natural breed originating from Thailand. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a solid black pattern.
The Savannah is a hybrid of the serval (leptailurus serval) × domestic cat breed originating from United States. It has a large body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The Scottish Fold is a mutation breed originating from Scotland, United Kingdom. It has a cobby body type with a short/long coat showing a all pattern.
The Selkirk Rex is a mutation breed originating from United States. It has a cobby body type with a rex coat showing a all pattern.
The Serengeti is a crossbreed between the bengal and oriental shorthair breed originating from United States. It has a oriental body type with a short coat showing a spotted tabby pattern.
The Serrade Petit is a natural breed originating from France. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Siamese is a mutation of the thai breed originating from Developed in United States and Europe;foundation stock from Thailand. It has a oriental body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Siberian is a natural breed originating from Siberian Tundra, Russia.. It has a cobby[13] body type with a long[13] coat showing a all; except chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, and fawn[21] pattern.
The Singapura is a possibly a mutation of a crossbreed (excluding the munchkin), solving why they are so small breed originating from Developed in United States;foundation stock from Singapore. It has a small body type with a short coat showing a ticked tabby pattern.
The Snowshoe is a crossbreed between the american shorthair and siamese breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint and white pattern.
The Sokoke is a natural breed originating from Kenya. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a modified classic tabby pattern.
The Somali is a mutation breed originating from United States, Canada. It has a cobby body type with a long coat showing a ticked tabby pattern.
The Sphynx is a mutation breed originating from Canada, Europe. It has a oriental body type with a hairless coat showing a all pattern.
The Suphalak is a natural breed originating from Thailand. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a solid reddish-brown pattern.
The Thai is a natural breed originating from Developed in Europe;foundation stock from Thailand. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint pattern.
The Thai Lilac, Thai Blue Point and Thai Lilac Point is a color varieties of the korat breed originating from Thailand. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a solid lilac and colorpoint (blue point and lilac point only) pattern.
The Tonkinese is a crossbreed between the burmese and siamese breed originating from Canada, United States. It has a oriental body type with a short coat showing a colorpoint, mink, or solid pattern.
The Toybob is a mutation breed originating from Russia. It has a dwarf body type with a short coat showing a all pattern.
The Toyger is a crossbreed/hybrid between the bengal and short-haired cats breed originating from United States. It has a moderate body type with a short coat showing a mackerel tabby pattern.
The Turkish Angora is a natural breed originating from Turkey. It has a semi-cobby body type with a semi-long coat showing a all pattern.
The Turkish Van is a natural breed originating from Developed in United Kingdom;foundation stock from Turkey. It has a semi-cobby body type with a semi-long coat showing a van pattern pattern.
The Turkish Vankedisi is a natural breed originating from Developed in United Kingdom;foundation stock from Turkey. It has a svelte body type with a long coat showing a solid white pattern.
The Ukrainian Levkoy is a crossbreed between the donskoy and scottish fold breed originating from Ukraine. It has a moderate body type with a hairless coat showing a solid gray pattern.
The York Chocolate is a natural breed originating from New York, United States. It has a moderate body type with a long coat showing a solid chocolate, solid lilac and solid taupe or any of these colors with white pattern.
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